
Welcome Pooja, a cute little brunette. She creates the ideal setting for a very fulfilling meet with her alluring body and fascinating looks. Pooja is a talented and driven call girl from Chennai who is committed to granting your wildest dreams. You'll think you've found heaven on earth when you're with her. The limits of pleasure are stretched to unimaginable heights when Pooja serves as your escort. Please contact us for booking details.

Contact #
Age 24 Years
Nationality Indian
Weight 50 kg
Height 5 feet, 6 inch
Cup Size 30 d
  • One night stands
  • Oral sex
  • Deepthroat
  • French kiss
  • Hand job
  • BDSM
  • Dinner dates
  • WhatsApp nude video calls
  • Threesomes
  • Strip teasing
  • Naughty role-play
  • Erotic body massage